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Frequently Asked Question

What is the right age to have sex?

The age of consent in India to have any kind of sex is 18 for both boys and girls, so that any sexual activity between a grown-up and child is also not permitted. 



What is circumcision?

Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin from the human penis. In the most common procedure, the foreskin is opened, adhesion are removed, and the foreskin is separated from the body. It is extremely healthy to the get the foreskin removed to avoid infections.


What is anal sex ?

Anal sex is generally the insertion and thrusting of the erect penis into a person's anus, or anus and rectum, for sexual pleasure.


What is unprotected sex ?

Unprotected sex usually means sex without a condom – as condoms help to protect against pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) – but can mean sex without any form of contraception.


Sex without using a condom can put you at greater risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection. (This could be oral or anal sex between two men, or oral, anal or vaginal sex between a man and a woman.)



What is masturbation?

When a boy or girl touches themselves to get sexually excited and gain sexual pleasure it is called masturbation. Boys and girls both can do it. Masturbation involves stroking, touching, rubbing, caressing one’s own genitals to get sexual pleasure.


Masturbation is healthy if a person does it in control and does not hurt themselves in any way. One should not let it affect other aspects of life such as studies, friendships or sports.



What is porn?

Pornography is the portrayal of sex with the only purpose of  pleasure in the form of film, art or reading. It is important to know that porn is scripted and thus is not a healthy portrayal of sex and pleasure, and thus should not be compared to real life relationships.



Can STDs be treated?

STDs caused by bacteria can be treated and often cured with antibiotics. STDs caused by viruses can be controlled, but not cured. If you get a viral STD, you will always have it.



Can AIDS spread through saliva?

No, AIDS can only be transmitted through blood or semen.

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