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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually Transmitted Diseases are diseases that pass from one person to the other through sexual contact, sexual fluids, blood transfusions from infected people, or reusing needles that have been used by them.

Types of STDs

Genital Herpes​



Human Papilloma Virus 



A very common disease that is often related to STDs is called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). This is caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This Virus attacks the immune system of the body that makes a person weak and incapable of fighting infections. This can result in the death of the person since his body is incapable of fighting infections and cannot properly recover from the same. Currently there is no cure for AIDS and the symptoms are very negligible in the beginning. An infected person has HIV present in the blood fluid. They can infect other people, if they come in contact with the infected blood. There are no external signs that can tell us if a person is infected but a blood test can detect it.


A person who is infected with the virus is said to be HIV-positive and a person who is not infected is HIV-negative.


People who are HIV positive should take good care of themselves and should be made fun off. We should never discriminate against them.

How Do STDs Spread?
  • Used Needles

  • From an infected mother to her child

  • Unprotected sexual intercourse and exchange of sexual fluids

  • Blood Transfusion

STDs cannot be transmitted by hugging, kissing, touching, sharing clothes, food, toilets, work spaces, mosquito bites, etc.

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